
Have we lost the mystery?

July 3, 2009

I recently started following another new blog


which emphasizes the merits of being in the broom closet.  This got me thinking back to the days before having my own apartment, pagan friends and one very understanding but very non pagan boyfriend (his only request was that he never find chicken bones under the bed – no idea what that whole neurosis is about but anyway….).  Those days were filled with secret purchases, secret readings, secret tools and secret rituals.  They were frustrating, irritating and tiresome but damn they were exciting!

How much of the attraction of Paganism, and Witchcraft in particular, has come from that feeling of cloak and dagger secrecy?  How many of us dream of clandestine meetings in silent groves surrounded by hooded figures chanting softly in the moonlight?  Or working spells in the dead of night, candlelight flickering along our skin and incense carrying our desires to the wind?

There was a time when all of this was necessary and I know that we have come a long way in the last couple of decades, for the better.  Most of us can openly practice and discuss our faith, wear clothing or jewelery as a personal expression and perform rituals wherever and whenever we like.  We are no longer feared, avoided or accosted (well for the most part – I wouldn’t recommend wearing a dinner plate sized pentacle anywhere near where I come from).  But I still long for that secrecy that first brought me here, the mystery and wonder that makes me feel like there is more to this world than what we see under the harsh fluorescent lights.

I know it is like asking the world to take a giant leap backwards but sometimes I think I would prefer to live the life of a gnarled old spinster witch.  Living in a tiny cabin, receiving visitors who glance furtively about to ensure that no one sees them then asks timidly for a charm to cure a child or gain a lover.  Or perhaps I did live this life and am simply longing for something that I can’t get back again.  Either way, I can’t shake the desire for excitement, secrecy and mystery.  Am I alone in this?



  1. You are not alone. As someone who is fairly open with who they are, I sometimes long for the secrecy.

    But it is a trade off, I suppose.

  2. I once read somewhere about the disadvantages of everyone being pagan: “Can you imagine all the phone book entries under Raven?? Utter chaos!”

    I tend toward the solitary life in all respects, but especially in my spiritual beliefs and activity. Groups are wonderful for sharing and expressing ideas, but too many people and it becomes something that needs to be “organized” and “controlled” to meet your purpose. In doing that, it falls into the christian rut of “there is only one way to do things right.”

    I also think things are more powerful if there is an aura of mystery about them. Atmosphere adds so much to a magickal work. And secrecy is desirable if you don’t want others mentally undoing what you’re trying to do with their negativity.

    Looking forward to all of your updates!

    (I am also an ‘East Coast Pagan’, but in New Jersey.)

    • I completely agree Katjava, I have only recently had the opportunity to work with large groups but I have discovered that I prefer the small ones and the best spells/rituals are when I completely trust the people I am working with (like the other contributors to this blog). The more people, the more public it is and the more we have to plan and control everything that is going to happen. I have also noticed resistance from a lot of people and their desire to do things their way, but I think you are bound to find those kind of people in any group of people.


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